The perfect family getaway.

Have you ever dreamed of staying in a historic property built in 1790? The John Brown House is a mix of Federal and Italianate styles, which hints at the complicated history of this two-story frame house. Its early history and its original location are unknown, for it was moved to its present location in the nineteenth century. Local tradition holds that the house originally stood in the path of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. This suggests a move as early as the late 1830s, or the second relocation date is 1870. John N. Brown and H.J. Carraway purchased lot 97 in 1874 on which the house now stands.




Ut sed egestas, volutpat.

“Pellentesque vel mattis turpis. Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante.”

— J.A.

Maecenas vehicula tortor!

“Etiam tristique posuere sapien at mattis. Praesent feugiat pulvinar justo id varius. Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus.”

— L.K.

Sed maximus vel velit ac rutrum.

“Fusce nisl elit, dictum eget condimentum eu, elementum sed ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. Pellentesque vel mattis turpis.”

— J.Y.



Your vacation getaway is waiting.

Join us at one of the oldest properties in Historic Halifax, North Carolina.